If you haven't noticed, things are going pretty badly. Crime is up in the U.S., terrorism is breaking out all over the world. I'm writing to you to plead with you. I'm writing to say we can do better than this. We have to do better than this. If we've learned anything from these past eight years, it's that we can't fight terrorism with guns and soldiers. We can't fight terrorism with strategies or threats. Terrorism is a tactic and what's defined as "terrorism" is subject to whoever is defining it. Terrorism comes from hate. And a lot of the time that hate is understandable. People have been repressed, abused, and their basic humanity trampled. These injustices breed hate. And hate leads to violence. So far our strategy to fight this hate has been more hate. More violence. Apparently violence only leads to more violence. Who knew?
We are very much like animals really. Dogs bite when they've been abused and they're scared. We do the same thing. We lash out when we feel this is our only chance to fight back and the world has hurt us enough that we think our cowardly way is justified.
So what I propose is pretty simple and cliche. I propose peace and I propose love. I think at our most basic level every human being prefers peace to war, and safety to fear. We would rather be hugged than punched and we would rather laugh than cry. Every mother would rather raise her child in a place where he is safe than a war zone where bullets are flying. We are not such complex creatures really.
Hate makes us forget what we are, or rather, what others are. Hate makes us forget the humanity in others. Hate convinces us that they are less human or less deserving of life. Hate makes us forget that they laugh and cry and have families and memories and souls. Hate is a powerful, terrible thing. Hate is the only thing that could convince terrorists to kill at least 125 people in India, or cause such civil unrest in Somalia.
But we were not born creatures of hate. Undoubtedly love has been and can continue to be more powerful than hate. What if we could pause this mess and look each of these gunmen in the eye, ask them what they want, ask why they're doing what they're doing, tell them there's a better way, and that God loves them, and that they don't have to do this. Maybe they'd keep shooting, maybe not. I hope that if we could separate these killers from their group mentality they'd come to their senses. I still believe the humanity in their eyes is the same as that in mine.
Life isn't so black and white unfortunately. I can't comprehend what could drive people to kill, but I'm sure there's some twisted logic and a chain of events behind it. But I'd say any time hate drives us to do anything, it's wrong. The result of injustice need not always be hate - instead we could strive for justice. There's a difference between revenge and a longing to make things right. Revenge is reactionary, forgiveness is revolutionary.
So what I propose is this and it starts with each of us. What if every time someone pissed us off, cut us off, wronged, hurt, teased, or cheated us - what if we put ourselves in their shoes. What if we said "Yeah that sucks, but they're just doing this because they've had a bad day or because their mom is in the hospital or they lost their job." What if we began with forgiveness instead of hate. What if we really put their predicaments over our own hurt pride? I think Jesus was the only person who really pulled this off. What's crazy is that before Jesus there was no forgiveness. There was no getting something for nothing. Every wrong had to be righted through penance and sacrifice. But since he showed up, there's no need for revenge or reciprocation. He's got it covered. Now we're free to forgive. And forgiveness can only come from love.
So there we have it. If we forgive and love others we're free to live our lives and work for peace. All the good things are connected, and so are the bad things. If we don't forgive then we can hate. Hate makes us want revenge. Hate convinces us that others aren't human so violence is ok. But revenge never rights anything. It just makes things more wrong.
This isn't really a solution for terrorism now. I don't know how to stop that. I don't know how to stop things on a global scale. All I know is change starts with each of us, and love never fails. So...what do you think world? You want to do better? Because I know I do. I love you.